28 April 2011

small doggies!

small doggies magazine spotlighted me with a poetry feature containing 3 new poems i wrote. i am calling the poems new even though the time-line-span from the first one to the last one is about 2 years, newest at the top.

click here to read the poems!

also, in a week or so i am going to have a poem published in the newest issue of indigest magazine which is run by a person named dustin who i met a couple of weeks ago at a leigh stein reading in brooklyn. dustin and i stood near the stairs and daydreamed about if evander holyfield walked in and yelled 'listen up' to get everyone's attention and then just stared blankly for a few seconds before walking right down the stairs and leaving the premises.

BTW, no one is better than leigh stein at reading their own poems out loud.



if your brother or sister, daughter or son is in the 4th grade and needs to pass art class, i will provide drawings of your choice for a small fee.
please contact me at matthewsavoca @ gmail.com